Providing Everything You Need
The Tummy Toning Package
Worth £307 NOW £275
x 4 Physiotherapy Treatment sessions
Bonus core bite size videos
10% off Specialised Pilates Rehab Programme
What it will deliver:
A clear plan of what you need to do in order to regain the strength and tone of your tummy muscles and reduce any pain.
With structure and guidance from experts in this area you will get results.
You will be educated and aware of how to exercise safely.
Look Better. Feel Better. Regain your body confidence.
Set and achieve goals that are important to YOU so that you can return to doing the things you love without any worries!
We will push you to your limits and that is where the magic happens.
The Pelvic Floor Rescue Package
Worth £377 NOW £330
x 5 Physiotherapy Treatment sessions
Educational Women’s Well-being videos
10% off Specialised Pilates Rehab Programme
10% off all EVB products
What it will deliver:
A clear plan of what you need to do in order to strengthen your pelvic floor in order to reduce your symptoms.
You will learn key strategies on how to activate your pelvic floor effectively.
You will improve any bladder or bowel leakage, heaviness/prolapse symptoms , peri/menopausal symptoms. painful intercourse and/or chronic pelvic pain.
With structure and guidance from experts in this area you will get results.
Set and achieve goals that are important to YOU so that you can return to doing the things you love without any leakage, pain or worries!
The "I Need it all"
Wellness Package
Worth £447 NOW £380
x 6 Physiotherapy Treatment sessions
Educational Women’s Well-being videos
10% off our Specialised Pilates Programme
10% off all EVB products
What it will deliver:
A clear plan of what you need to do in order to in order to regain full strength of your pelvic floor and core muscles.
You will learn key strategies on how to activate your pelvic floor effectively.
You will improve any bladder or bowel leakage, heaviness/prolapse symptoms , peri/menopausal symptoms. painful intercourse and/or chronic pelvic pain.
You will be educated and aware of how to exercise safely.
Look Better. Feel Better. Regain your body confidence.
With structure and guidance from experts in this area you will get results.
Set and achieve goals that are important to YOU so that you can return to doing the things you love without any leakage, pain or worries!
We will push you to your limits and that is where the magic happens!
The Painful Pregnancy Maintenance Package
Worth £190 Now £172.50
X 3 Physiotherapy "Hands on" treatment
10% off our specialised Antenatal Pilates Programme
Spikey Balls
What it will deliver:
This package will offer you the treatment you require to alleviate/reduce any pain that is impacting your pregnancy journey.
Understand why you are in pain and what you can do about it. This is not something you simply need to “put up with”. You will move better, feel better and most importantly feel stronger to meet the demands of pregnancy, birth and beyond.
Improve your sleep. Feel supported. Be Empowered.
Take back control of YOUR pregnancy.
The Painful Pregnancy
Intensive Package
Worth £310 NOW £275
X 5 Physiotherapy "Hands on" treatment
10% off our specialised Antenatal Pilates Programme
Spikey Balls
What it will deliver:
This package will fully support you and help to alleviate/reduce any pain that is impacting your pregnancy journey.
Understand why you are in pain and what you can do about it. This is not something you simply need to “put up with”. You will move better, feel better and most importantly feel stronger to meet the demands of pregnancy, birth and beyond.
Improve your sleep. Feel supported. Be Empowered.
Take back control of YOUR pregnancy.