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About Us


Our Ethos is to EDUCATE ladies on their pregnancy and postpartum journey , EMPOWER all ladies to take control and feel confident in themselves and finally EVOLVE. Our aim isn’t for you to “Return to your pre-baby” self … Our aim is that you Evolve into something GREATER and embrace your wonderful journey as a woman. 


Our Story

In January 2017 Mid Ulster Pilates & Physiotherapy was set up by sisters Mary Angela Taylor and Kathy Joyce. 

We are the “Conway sisters” , we grew up 15months apart in our little home village of Moneymore, Co.Derry! We have always loved being active and playing sport which inevitably led us both into
our Physiotherapy careers! 


When you think physio- you probably think more Backs, Knees, shoulders ... and I guess that’s what we had envisioned early on in our career as we ran out onto the sports field and attended to many a hairy rugby leg or Gaelic groin. Pee /Poo/ Vaginas/ sex/ dilators/ haemorrhoids... this most certainly was not our daily vocabulary back then ...


So what happened? 


What led us down this very specialised path? 


For Mary Angela she was introduced to this specialised area within her NHS role but it was not until we came through the pregnancy/postnatal journey ourselves that we realised there was such a huge gap. 


How were new mums expected to just bounce back without any help? It just didn’t make sense.

To have carried a baby for 9/10month, birthed vaginally - where the pelvic floor has been shown to stretch up to THREE TIMES it’s length (not to mention any tears/incisions) or via C/Section - which is MAJOR abdominal surgery ... and then to be just handed a newborn baby and a see-ya is just crazy! 

Thinking back to our sports physio career, the rugby player or Gaelic footballer with that “sore knee” or torn hamstring - how much nurture and attention did they not receive!


This was unfair. 


An expectation to just “get on with it” was the norm, because well, that’s what everyone else was doing! NO! NO! NO 


This had to change.


Women needed to feel supported and to feel OK to ask for help  We started to delve more and more into Women’s Health completing numerous courses from experts in the field and developing our own specialised classes to help nurture pregnant ladies ,educate and inform women and most importantly provide the care that women truly DESERVE after birth 


This is our WHY! 


Why we do what we do! Why we prefer to assess a vagina or a C/section scar over a sports knee - Our ladies are forever grateful that someone is listening , someone cares and that someone is going to HELP them. Let’s change the future (& expectations) for our daughters, that pregnancy and postpartum is viewed as a very special journey and that the mother is expected to be NURTURED and CARED FOR throughout! 


Mary Angela & Kathy xxx


.... Four years later "THE MUMMY PHYSIOS" has been born.

Meet The Team

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